I am using Recharge Checkout on Shopify, how do I move Recharge data over to a brand new Shopify store I’m setting up?
The process to migrate is complex, and is beyond flipping a switch to move your Recharge account to a new Shopify store. Due to the way Shopify handles product IDs, variant IDs, and much more, this action would follow the same process as a normal migration where you would essentially be creating all your products again.
Refer to the guide Migrating to Recharge for more information on how to initiate this process. Keep in mind, the migration process can’t import order history into Recharge. You must manage historical data outside of Recharge.
New Recharge installs use the Shopify Checkout Integration, in this case Recharge recommends converting your existing store to that platform if you are looking for that experience. If you are interested, review the guide converting to the Shopify Checkout Integration (with existing subscribers), and fill out the conversion request form.
The Recharge team will review your request and inform you whether you are a good fit for migration, or if remaining on the Recharge Checkout on Shopify is the best platform based on your business needs. For an overview of available features, see Shopify Checkout integration feature status. Even if your store has requirements that are not currently supported, you can still complete the request form.