Why is my shipping rate multiplied at checkout?
Shopify Checkout integration
Platform: Shopify Checkout Integration
Note: This issue only occurs if you are a Shopify Plus store is using checkout.liquid. See Checkout Extensibility eligibility to check your store's eligibility and upgrade to use Checkout Extensibility.
This behavior is a Shopify limitation and cannot be changed by Recharge. Shopify calculates shipping for subscriptions based on the checkout items and shipping frequency. This can occur when basic shipping rates are used in Shopify or when a subscription Shipping Profile is enabled.
The following flowchart allows you to visualize how shipping rates are affected depending on the items/frequencies at checkout.
Checkout Extensibility eligibility
To confirm if your store is eligible to use Checkout Extensibility:
- From your Shopify admin menu, click Settings.
- Click Checkout. At the top of the checkout page, see your store’s eligibility.
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