Error message: This site can’t be reached message when previewing the subscription widget
In the merchant portal of a BigCommerce store, the Preview the widget with saved settings leads to a This site can’t be reached error message.
- BigCommerce Checkout Integration
- Recharge Checkout on BigCommerce
To use the preview link, the Current Domain needs to match what Recharge has as the store URL. BigCommerce assigns two different URLs to your store.
The permanent address also known as the Temp URL is assigned to the store at the time of sign-up. It is a fixed URL and cannot be changed. The permanent address begins with store- and is followed by a string of unique identifiers."
is be a permanent address.
The Current Domain is often referred to as the domain name and is assigned at the time of store creation and is based on the store title provided by you.
is an example of a Current Domain. Store owners can update the current domain name in their Store Details settings.
To change from one BigCommerce subdomain to a different BigCommerce subdomain:
- Click Account Settings on your BigCommerce admin and select Account Overview.
- Click the name of your store.
- Scroll down to Details and click Change Domain Name.