Why does the Quick Action I included in a campaign only apply to the first subscription a customer has, not all of their subscriptions?
Some Quick Actions URLs for campaigns contain a slice filter. This filter allows you to limit the number of subscriptions you target within your campaign.
For example, a Quick Action campaign containing slice:”0:1”, ensures that only one Quick Action URL appears in the campaign email.
You can adjust the number associated with the slice to change the number of Quick Action links available within an email. For example, if most of your customers have four subscriptions, you may want to consider updating the slice to slice:”0:4”. That way four Quick Action URLs, one for each subscription, are included in the campaign.
When creating campaigns you typically must include {% with activeSubs=person.rc_all_subscriptions|dictfilter:"status == active %}
or {% with activeSubs=person.rc_all_subscriptions|dictfilter:"status == CANCELLED" %}
at the beginning of each Quick Actions URL to loop and find the subscriptions associated with this customer.