How to copy and replace plans in bulk
Shopify Checkout integration
Migrated Shopify Checkout Integration
Bulk copy and replace allows you to copy the plans from a source product and apply them to other products in Recharge.
This article covers how to copy and replace plans in bulk for stores using Product Subscription Plans.
- Custom
- Shopify Checkout Integration
- Migrated Shopify Checkout Integration
Step 1 - Select products
Select the product(s) to update the plans for. You can update a maximum of 50 products at one time.
- Select Products in the merchant portal and click Products from the dropdown.
- Search for and select the products to update the plans for by clicking the checkbox next to each product.
Optional - Once you've selected one product, a popup will display with the option to Select all, across pages. Click this option if you want to update all products.
Step 2 - Copy plans to selected products
Choose which product's plans you want to assign to the selected products. Copying plans over can take a few moments, do not make any other changes until your initial changes are updated on the product page.
- Click Update plans after you've selected the products to update.
- Choose which product's plans to assign to the selected products and click Copy plans.
- Review your updates and if everything looks as intended, select Confirm: copy plans. All existing subscription plans on the selected products will be replaced once you confirm.
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