Discount Quick Action is not working
The Discount Quick Action is not working as expected.
The error “Request could not be completed, endpoint not found” can happen while trying to use a Quick Action, either to apply a discount to the next order, or on a reactivated subscription. This error occurs if the discount code cannot be applied through the customer portal.
Discounts used in Quick Actions must apply to the Customer portal channel to work.
- In your merchant portal, go to Discounts and select the affected discount code.
- You may not be able to edit your discount code after creation, depending on the settings.
- Try clicking the discount, and under Actions select Edit discount code.
- If an editable Channel Control section is not present, you need to delete and recreate the discount code to make the adjustment.
- Click Create a Discount code, and locate Channel Controls. Make sure the Customer Portal channel is enabled. Refer to editing discount codes to learn more.
Discount codes with special characters in Quick Actions with Klaviyo
Discount codes with special characters, such as “$” included for $10OFF, are not supported by Recharge Quick Actions.
For existing discount codes that contain special characters:
- Create new discount codes to offer discount-related Quick Actions in Klaviyo.
- Deactivate the existing discount code to prevent customers from using two discount codes and receive the same discount twice.
Discount codes with spaces, such as the space between $10 OFF, are supported by Recharge Quick Actions.