How are bundles shipping calculations determined?
Shopify Checkout integration
Migrated Shopify Checkout Integration
- Shopify Checkout Integration
Bundles shipping calculations are determined by the processing method your store is using.
- New Method - With the new method, shipping for the checkout order is based only on the parent product while shipping for recurring orders are based on both the parent product and each of the bundle contents.
- Old method - Shipping for both the checkout order and the recurring orders are based only on the parent product when using the old method.
Note: Most stores use the new method to obtain shipping calulcations. Contact the Recharge team at if you use the old method and would like to upgrade to the new method.
To determine which method your store is using:
- Click Customers and select a customer with a bundle subscription in your merchant portal. This will navigate you to the customer details page.
- View the upcoming order that includes the customizable bundle.
- Determine which method your store is using:
- If the contents appear in the upcoming order, your store uses the new method.
- If the contents don’t appear in the upcoming order, your store uses the old method.
- If the contents appear in the upcoming order, your store uses the new method.
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