How are taxes handled for orders that are shipped to customers located in Colorado?
- Recharge Checkout on Shopify
- Recharge Checkout on BigCommerce
- Migrated Shopify Checkout Integration
- BigCommerce Integration
- Custom
The state of Colorado (US) implemented a Retail Delivery Fee collected on shipments delivered to a Colorado address effective July 1st, 2022. Review Colorado Retail Delivery Fee on the State Department's website for additional information.
For merchants using the Recharge Checkout on Shopify and the Recharge Checkout on BigCommerce, Recharge adds a $0.28 (cents) fee on charges with a Colorado destination address.
For merchants using the Shopify Checkout Integration, Shopify automatically adds the fee to each individual charge. This non-refundable fee is reflected on both checkout and recurring charges. See Shopify's US Tax Reference for more details.
Recharge automatically applies this fee to applicable charges. If you would prefer to stop charging customers the Retail Delivery Fee and absorb the cost of the fee yourself, contact Recharge's customer support team.