Adjusting Shopify notification for $0 prepaid orders
Prepaid subscriptions ship more often than you charge, therefore $0.00 shipment orders will be created each month of the subscription cycle. Customers do receive Shopify notifications for these orders which can be confusing. With some custom code, you can adjust the notifications to display specific content based on whether it is a $0 shipment order or a regular charge.
- Shopify Checkout Integration
- Migrated Shopify Checkout Integration
Before you start
This is an advanced customization and is not supported by Recharge Support as per our design policy. You will need basic knowledge of Shopify liquid tags to proceed, if you require further assistance, work with a third-party developer.
Adjust the notification template
For instructions on accessing your notification templates in Shopify, visit Edit notification templates.
The code in this section addresses:
- Regular Shopify orders with a price greater than $0.00.
- Prepaid $0.00 orders.
- $0.00 orders for other reasons, such as discounts.
To adjust the template:
- In the Shopify admin, click Settings and choose Notifications.
- Select the Order Confirmation template to edit the code.
- Replace the template with a custom solution using IF statements for each case.
{% if total_price > 0 %} THIS IS FOR REGULAR SHOPIFY ORDERS {% else %} {% for line in line_items %} {% if line.title contains 'Subscribe' %} //ADJUST THIS BASED ON THE NAMES OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION PRODUCTS THIS IS FOR THE $0 prepaid ORDERS {% break %} {% else %} THIS IS FOR OTHER FREE ORDERS {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}