Using the Export Builder
Use the Export Builder to create and download CSV files with customer, order, and subscription data. This guide outlines how to create and manage exports using the export builder tool.
Before you start
- Data found in previous exports are now available in new and updated CSVs. Visit our Available Exports in the Exports Builder page for a breakdown of exports.
- Processed charge and order exports will only span the previous 12 months.
Create exports using the Export builder tool
- In the merchant portal, click Tools & apps and select Exports from the dropdown.
- Click Create Exports.
- Under Select export type, click the dropdown and select your desired export.
- Enter a custom export name (optional).
- Under Select your columns, select the columns you need for data management. Recharge preselected the columns that are best for export, but you can select any additional columns you need.
- Click Create export.
Download exports
After creating the export, Recharge sends a secure link to access Recharge Exports to the email address you used to log in to Recharge.
You can also download a copy of the export from the main Exports page. Click the download icon under Actions to download the file as a CSV.
Delete exports
To delete exports from the main Exports page, click the trashcan icon under Actions. Review the pop-up and select Delete export.
Available exports
To see a list of available exports, visit Available exports in the Export Builder.