Adding a manual shipping rate using Recharge Shipping Zones and Rates
With Recharge Shipping Zones and Rates, manage your shipping rates directly within Recharge.
This guide explains how to add manual zones and shipping rates that display when customers check out with a subscription product.
- BigCommerce Checkout Integration
- Recharge Checkout on BigCommerce
- Migrated Shopify Checkout Integration
Stores using the Shopify Checkout Integration can maintain shipping settings in Shopify and within the Recharge merchant portal using Recharge's Shopify shipping profiles. To Retain shipping rates or set up other core shipping settings, refer to Setting up shipping for the Shopify Checkout Integration.
Before you start
- Recharge Shipping Zones is available automatically for all BigCommerce merchants.
- Merchants using the Recharge Checkout on Shopify must enable advanced shipping in Recharge to manually add their own shipping rates and zones.
Step 1 - Access Recharge Shipping Zones
- Click Settings in your merchant portal and select Shipping.
- Ensure that Use Recharge zones, rates and integrations (Advanced) is selected under Shipping setup.
- Select Manage zones from the Shipping zones section.
Step 2 - Add a shipping zone
- Select Add shipping zone.
- Enter a Zone name.
- Search for the specific region that the rate should apply to.
- Click Save zone.
Step 3 - Add the shipping rate
- Select Add rate.
- Select Set up your own rates.
- Add a Rate name.
- Set the Price that you wish to charge for shipping.
- Click Save.
You can also set conditions for your manual rates by selecting Add conditions. Only customers whose orders meet the conditions will be eligible for the shipping rate:
- Based on item weight - Orders must weigh a certain amount to qualify for the shipping rate.
- Based on order price - Orders must total a certain dollar amount to qualify for the shipping rate.
Manage shipping zones and rates
You can update your shipping zones and rates saved on Recharge at any time.
- Click Settings in your merchant portal and select Shipping.
- Select Manage zones from the Shipping zones section.
- Select the name of the zone you wish to update.
- Make changes to the zone and press Save.