Using email templates to announce subscriptions to your customers
After creating a subscription product, modifying the subscription widget, and branding the subscription experience for your customers, it’s important to advertise your hard work to your email contacts.
This guide provides sample templates that you can use to notify your customers and start turning them into subscribers.
Before you start
- Use a marketing or email platform such as Klaviyo, Mailchimp, or Omnisend to communicate these messages to your customers. These emails do not replace Recharge's notifications, which are transactional emails triggered by specific events.
- You must create any discount codes before including them in your email templates.
- You know your customers the best. Edit these templates to match your unique brand voice and your product’s value proposition.
Convert one-time customers to subscribers
Let your one-time customers know they receive a discount when they subscribe to their favorite products. Use this template to advertise how customers can subscribe and save, and even incentivize them with a discount code to sign up right away.
Subject line: Save X% on every purchase
Great news: you can officially cross “order {product}” off your to-do list…forever!
Here at {Brand}, we launched a subscription program to help make your life easier. Now you can subscribe to receive {product} as often as you need it, with easy skips, returns, and hassle-free cancellations.
The best part? You’ll save X% on every purchase!
[CTA - Subscribe now]
Plus, as a thank you for being a {Brand} customer, we’re offering you an additional $Y off your first subscription purchase with discount code “SUBSCRIPTION”.
If you have any questions, be sure to check out our subscription FAQs.
Hope to see you soon,
You can enhance this template by including images of your recipient’s previously purchased products, or links to your best-selling products. Be sure to prominently feature your call-to-action, for example, in button format.
Win back churned customers
Encouraging previous customers to resubscribe is a great way to win back revenue and increase sales, without having to advertise to a group of people who know nothing about your product.
Subject line: Save X% on every purchase
A lot has changed since we last saw each other, {Name}!
Since you last shopped at {Brand}, we have launched X+ new products and styles. But there’s something very special in the works we wanted you to be among the first to know about.
[CTA - Subscribe to {Product} and save Y% on every purchase.]
No more reminding yourself to restock, you can now subscribe to receive {Product} as often as you need it.
Plus, because we value you so much, we want to offer you an additional $Z off your first subscription purchase if you enter the discount code “WELCOMEBACK” by {Date}. Any questions? Be sure to check out our FAQ.
Hope to see you again soon,
You can enhance this email by including images of relevant products for the recipient, ideally overlapping between products they may have bought and loved, as well as new products to capture their attention.
Notify your mailing list about discounts
Announce your subscription offering to mailing list recipients or other fans that haven’t converted to subscriber status yet.
Subject line: Save X% on every purchase
Great news from {Brand}!
We officially launched a subscription program to help make your life easier.
With our subscription program, you can sign up to receive any of our products as often as you need them—with easy skips, returns, and hassle-free cancellations.
The best part? You’ll save X% on every purchase!
[CTA - Browse our products]
Plus, if you sign up for your first subscription by {date}, we’ll toss in an additional $Y off your first purchase with discount code “SUBSCRIPTION”. Any questions? Be sure to check out our subscription FAQs.
Hope to see you soon,
You can enhance this email by ensuring it matches your brand in terms of images, color palette, font, and even emojis.