How to discontinue or disable bundles
There may be times when you need to discontinue or disable a bundle product. If you are discontinuing or disabling a bundle product, there are additional steps before deleting the product from your ecommerce platform. This guide provides steps for managing your existing bundle subscriptions, deleting bundle products, and disabling bundles.
- Shopify Checkout Integration
- Migrated Shopify Checkout Integration
Step 1 - Create an export
Before discontinuing or disabling bundles, you must export your bundles subscription data and bundles contents. Refer to the following steps to create your exports:
- Click Tools & apps in the merchant portal and select Exports from the dropdown.
- Click Create an export and select Subscriptions - All from the export type list.
- Name your export and provide an email address to send the export to.
- Click Create export. The export will generate and notify you in the merchant portal and via email when it is complete.
- Use the Bundles - Active export in the Export builder to export all bundle selections for active bundle subscriptions.
Warning: Save your exports in a secure location. This data cannot be recovered after disabling bundles.
Step 2 - Delete or swap existing bundle subscriptions
If you are not discontinuing your bundle product in Shopify and are selling your Shopify bundle product as a regular Recharge subscription, skip this step and proceed to Step 3.
If you are discontinuing your Bundle products in both Recharge and Shopify, you must either delete existing bundle subscriptions or swap existing subscriptions for a non-bundle product.
Delete existing bundle subscriptions
Warning: You must delete existing bundle subscriptions instead of cancelling existing subscriptions. Customers can reactivate their subscription from the customer portal if you only cancel existing bundle subscriptions.
Use this option if you wish to stop selling bundles and not swap your existing bundle subscriptions for a regular subscription. Existing bundle subscriptions can be deleted individually or in bulk:
- To delete individually or in bulk, see Pause, cancel, or delete a subscription.
Swap existing bundle subscriptions
Use this option if you wish to stop selling bundles and swap your existing bundle subscriptions for a regular subscription. The swap can be done manually or in bulk:
- To perform a manual swap, see Adding or swapping a product or SKU.
- To swap in bulk, see Bulk management tools.
Step 3 - Delete bundles from Recharge
After exporting your data and managing your existing bundle subscriptions, you can delete your bundle(s) from Recharge. Refer to the following steps to delete your bundle(s):
- Click Products in the merchant portal and select Bundles from the dropdown.
- On the Bundles page, click the delete icon to delete your bundle(s).
- On the deletion pop-up, click Confirm: delete bundle.
- Optional - Repeat steps 2 and 3 to delete any additional bundle products from Recharge.
- Open your Shopify admin, click Products, and either delete or disable each parent bundle product in Shopify.
- Deleting a bundle from Recharge does not remove the product from Shopify or delete Recharge subscription rules. If you no longer wish for a bundle product available for purchase, you must remove it or disable it in Shopify.
- Bundle products should not be removed from Recharge if you have upcoming charges including the bundle product as this can affect your upcoming charges. Ensure all upcoming charges have processed prior to removing your bundle products.