Understanding charge error messages
- Inventory failure
- Insufficient fund
- Card declined
- Payment method declined
- Card error general
- Invalid payment method
- Purchase type not supported by card
- Card expired
- Expired payment method
- Unexpected error
- Customer needs to update their card
- Card zip code failed validation
- Card number incorrect
- Buyer canceled payment method
- Payment provider is not enabled
- Payment method not found
- Customer not found
- Rejected by BigCommerce
- Authentication error
- Insufficient credit balance
- Payment failure - invalid phone number
- Payment failure - invalid discount amount
- Payment failure - invalid zip code
- Payment failure - invalid shipping province
- Payment failure - invalid country
- Payment failure - invalid pickup location
- Payment failure - invalid discount
- Tax rate retrieval failure - TaxJar error
This guide provides a list of possible charge errors, alongside the corresponding error message visible in the merchant portal, as well as error-specific resolution steps. See Managing order errors to learn how Recharge handles each charge error.
Inventory failure
Error message
One or more items on the order was out of stock so that the order couldn't be created. We will automatically try again.
Description and next steps
Recharge checks for stock levels before creating a new order. This error message is returned if a store tracks its inventory, and there is insufficient inventory to fill the order.
Recharge retries charges with an insufficient inventory error daily for up to 60 days. After 60 days, Recharge leaves the charge in an insufficient inventory state, making it easier to locate and reschedule these charges once inventory is available.
In some cases, eg. for RCS stores, inventory can run out while Recharge processes the order. If this happens, Shopify blocks Recharge from creating the order, and Recharge automatically refunds the customer, while setting the charge to an Inventory failure
See Troubleshooting insufficient inventory errors for more details.
Insufficient funds
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the customer's payment method does not have sufficient funds. We will automatically try again.
Description and next steps
The customer did not have the funds available to complete the purchase. Recharge tries the charge again automatically to resolve the error. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- [name of payment gateway] Response…Insufficient funds
- [name of payment gateway] Response…Limit Exceeded
- Charge total exceeds available credit balance. Additional payment method required to proceed.
Card declined
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the customer's payment method was declined, for reasons unknown to us. We will automatically try again.
Description and next steps
The payment gateway lets Recharge know that the card declined, often without providing specific information. Recharge tries the charge again automatically to resolve the error. Depending on the gateway, and the card decline reason, additional decline messages may be included in the card decline code or phrasing for additional clarity. See Understanding card declines and order errors and Troubleshooting card declined errors for more information.
Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages, or take a look at the Developer Docs for Authorize.net, Stripe/Shopify Payments, and Braintree for more information:
Related decline messages
- Generic decline (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments, Authorize)
- Invalid account (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments, Authorize)
- Stolen card (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments, Authorize)
- Processor Declined - Fraud Suspected (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments, Authorize)
- Do not honor (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments)
- Try again later (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments)
- Pickup card (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments)
- Fraudulent (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments)
- Lost card (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments)
- Declined - Call Issuer (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments)
- Processor Declined - Possible Lost Card (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments)
- Invalid amount (Stripe, Shopify Payments, Authorize)
- Processor Declined (Stripe, Shopify Payments, Authorize)
- Declined (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments, Authorize)
- No Account (Stripe, Braintree, Shopify Payments)
- Revocation of authorization (Stripe, Shopify Payments)
- Card velocity exceeded (Stripe, Shopify Payments)
- Restricted card (Stripe, Shopify Payments)
- Reenter transaction (Stripe, Shopify Payments)
- Your card’s security code is incorrect (Stripe, Shopify Payments)
- Declined CVV (Braintree)
- Processor Declined - Possible Stolen Card (Braintree)
- Call issuer (Stripe, Braintree)
- Invalid pin (Stripe)
- Revocation of all authorizations (Stripe)
- Card not supported (Stripe)
- Issuer not available (Stripe)
- Not permitted (Stripe)
- Stop payment order (Stripe)
- Withdrawal count limit exceeded (Stripe)
- Pin try exceeded (Stripe)
- Error code: 252 (Authorize) Authorize: “AFDS filter triggered; transaction held for merchant review”
- Error code: 2 (Authorize) Authorize: “General decline by card issuing bank or by Merchant Service Provider”
- Error code: 3 (Authorize) Authorize: “Referral to card issuing bank for verbal approval”
- Error code: 4 (Authorize) Authorize: “Card reported lost or stolen; pick up card if physically available”
- Error code: 5 (Authorize) Authorize: “A valid amount is required. The value submitted in the amount field did not pass validation for a number”
Payment method declined
Error message
Shopify encountered an issue charging the customer's payment method. We will automatically try again.
Description and next steps
Shopify could not process the charge, for a variety of reasons, including suspected fraud, or an inactive card. Shopify tries processing the charge again automatically to resolve the error. Depending on the decline reason, additional decline messages may be included in the card decline code or phrasing for additional clarity.
Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages for more information:
Related decline messages
- "2007 No Account" (Braintree)
- "2014 Processor Declined - Fraud Suspected" (Braintree)
- "2038 Processor Declined" (Braintree)
- "2107 Card Not Activated" (Braintree)
- "2108 Closed Card" (Braintree)
- "2044 Declined - Call Issuer" (Braintree)
- "2047 Call Issuer. Pick Up Card." (Braintree)
- "Invalid amount." (Stripe, Shopify Payments, Braintree, Authorize.net)
- "Cardmember not enrolled / not permitted"
- "You have exceeded the maximum number of declines on this card in the last 24 hour period.
- Please contact us via https://support.stripe.com/contact if you need further assistance."
- "Your card was declined."
- "Your card was declined. Your request was in live mode, but used a known test card."
- "Your card was declined. You can call your bank for details."
- "Your card was declined for making repeated attempts too frequently or exceeding its amount
- limit."
- "Your card is not supported."
- "Your card is not supported. Please use a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, or UnionPay card"
- "Your card does not support this type of purchase."
- "CVV should have been present"
- "Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded."
- "This transaction has been declined."
- "Instruct the customer to retry the transaction using an alternative payment method from the customers PayPal wallet. The transaction did not complete with the customers selected payment method."
Card error general
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that something went wrong when trying to charge the customer's payment method, unrelated to the payment method itself. We will automatically try again.
Description and next steps
There was a generic error unrelated to the payment method that occurred when Recharge tried to process the charge. Recharge tries the charge again automatically to resolve the error. See Understanding card declines and order errors for more information.
Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages for potential card error messages:
Related decline messages
- A payment method must be provided or already attached to the PaymentIntent when
. - A source must be attached to a customer to be used as a
- Address Verification Failed
- An error occurred during processing. Call Merchant Service Provider.
- An error occurred during processing. Please try again
- An error occurred while processing your card.
- An error occurred while processing your payment. Try again in a little bit or try a different payment method.
- An unknown error occurred
- Authorize Response Error: An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
- Authorize Response Error: An error occurred during processing. Call Merchant Service Provider.
- Authorize Response Error: Cannot Authorize at this time (Life cycle)
- Authorize Response Error: Credit card expiration date is invalid.
- Authorize Response Error: CVV should have been present
- Authorize Response Error: No existing default PaymentMethod or Source in Stripe for this customer
- Authorize Response Error: RecurringBilling setting is a required field for recurring tokenized payment transactions
- Authorize Response Error: Server in maintenance. Please try again later
- Authorize Response Error: The
element is invalid - The value'	1643841500'
is invalid according to its datatypeAnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:numericString
- The Pattern constraint failed Error code: None - Authorize Response Error: The
element is invalid - The value '`' is invalid according to its datatypeAnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:numericString
- The Pattern constraint failed - Authorize Response Error: The
element is invalid - The value'aI5rN4kwfZCj3yoaUg64Eb711734d6HePvU9ScMKzcRfV9jRaeaXYoV3W2GYvGtI'
is invalid according to its datatypeString
- The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value Error code: None - Authorize Response Error: The amount of this request was only partially approved on the given prepaid card. An additional payment is required to fulfill the balance of this transaction
- Authorize Response Error: The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider.
- Authorize Response Error: The credit card has expired.
- Authorize Response Error: The FDC Merchant ID or Terminal ID is incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider
- Authorize Response Error: The merchant does not accept this type of credit card
- Authorize Response Error: The VITAL identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider.
- Authorize Response Error: There was difficulty communicating with the payment system.
- Authorize Response Error: This transaction cannot be accepted at this time
- Authorize Response Error: This transaction has been declined.
- Authorize Response Error: Unable to communicate with the payment system.
- Authorize Response Error: Unable to process the purchase transaction.
- Bill To First Name is required
- Braintree Authorization Error
- Braintree Response Error: Address Verification Failed
- Braintree Response Error: Call Issuer. Pick Up Card.
- Braintree Response Error: Cannot Authorize at this time (Life cycle)
- Braintree Response Error: Cannot Authorize at this time (Policy)
- Braintree Response Error: Card Not Activated
- Braintree Response Error: Closed Card
- Braintree Response Error: Customer does not have any credit cards.
- Braintree Response Error: Customer ID is invalid.
- Braintree Response Error: Do Not Honor
- Braintree Response Error: Duplicate Transaction
- Braintree Response Error: Funding Instrument In The PayPal Account Was Declined By The Processor Or Bank, Or It Can't Be Used For This Payment
- Braintree Response Error: Gateway Rejected: duplicate
- Braintree Response Error: Gateway Rejected: fraud
- Braintree Response Error: Gateway Rejected: risk_threshold
- Braintree Response Error: Invalid Amount
- Braintree Response Error: Invalid Merchant ID
- Braintree Response Error: Invalid Transaction Data
- Braintree Response Error: Issuer or Cardholder has put a restriction on the card
- Braintree Response Error: Merchant account does not support payment instrument.
- Braintree Response Error: No Such Issuer
- Braintree Response Error: Payer Account Is Locked Or Closed
- Braintree Response Error: Payer Cannot Pay For This Transaction With PayPal
- Braintree Response Error: Payment method token is invalid.
- Braintree Response Error: PayPal Blocking Duplicate Order IDs
- Braintree Response Error: PayPal Business Account Restricted
- Braintree Response Error: PayPal Transaction Limit Exceeded
- Braintree Response Error: PayPal Validation Failed
- Braintree Response Error: Postal code can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens.
- Braintree Response Error: Postal code may contain no more than 9 letter or number characters.
- Braintree Response Error: Security Violation
- Braintree Response Error: US state codes must be two characters to meet PayPal Seller Protection requirements.
- Braintree Response Error: Violation
- Call Issuer. Pick Up Card.
- Cannot Authorize at this time (Life cycle)
- Cannot Authorize at this time (Policy)
- Card Not Activated
- Closed Card
- Credit card expiration date is invalid.
- Customer [token like cus_***] does not have a linked source with ID [token like card_***].
- Customer does not have any credit cards.
- Customer ID is invalid.
- CVV should have been present
- Do Not Honor
- Duplicate Transaction
- Error while communicating with one of our backends. Sorry about that! We have been notified of the problem. If you have any questions, we can help at https://support.stripe.com/.
- Expired API Key provided: sk_live_kh****************************MDPY. Platform access may have been revoked.
- Expired API Key provided: sk_test_ty****************************IuDv
- Funding Instrument In The PayPal Account Was Declined By The Processor Or Bank, Or It Can't Be Used For This Payment
- Gateway Rejected: application_incomplete
- Gateway Rejected: duplicate
- Gateway Rejected: fraud
- Gateway Rejected: risk_threshold
- Insufficient Funds
- Invalid Amount
- Invalid Merchant ID
- Invalid Transaction Data
- Issuer or Cardholder has put a restriction on the card
- Merchant account does not support payment instrument.
- No API key provided. (HINT: set your API key using "stripe.api_key = <API-KEY>"). You can generate API keys from the Stripe web interface. See https://stripe.com/api for details, or email support@stripe.com if you have any questions.
- No existing default PaymentMethod or Source in Stripe for this customer
- No existing Recharge PaymentMethod for this customer
- No RCPM and no customer token
- No such customer: [token like cus_***]
- No Such Issuer
- No such PaymentMethod: [token like pm_***]; It's possible this PaymentMethod exists on one of your connected accounts, in which case you should retry this request on that connected account. Learn more at https://stripe.com/docs/connect/authentication
- No such PaymentMethod: [token like pm_***]
- No such PaymentMethod: [token like src_***]; It's possible this PaymentMethod exists on one of your connected accounts, in which case you should retry this request on that connected account. Learn more at https://stripe.com/docs/connect/authentication
- No such PaymentMethod: [token like src_***]
Only active mandates can be used with PaymentIntents. - Payer Account Is Locked Or Closed
- Payer Cannot Pay For This Transaction With PayPal
- Payment method token is invalid.
- PayPal Blocking Duplicate Order IDs
- PayPal Business Account Restricted
- PayPal Transaction Limit Exceeded
- PayPal Validation Failed
- Postal code can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens.
- Postal code may contain no more than 9 letter or number characters.
- RecurringBilling setting is a required field for recurring tokenized payment transactions
- Security Violation
- Server in maintenance. Please try again later
- Shopify_payments Response Error: An error occurred during processing. Please try again
- Shopify_payments Response Error: An error occurred during processing. Call Merchant Service Provider
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Call Issuer. Pick Up Card.
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Cannot Authorize at this time (Life cycle)
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Cannot Authorize at this time (Policy)
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Closed Card
- Shopify_payments Response Error: CVV should have been present
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Do Not Honor
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Funding Instrument In The PayPal Account Was Declined By The Processor Or Bank, Or It Can't Be Used For This Payment
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Gateway Rejected: fraud
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Gateway Rejected: risk_threshold
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Invalid Merchant ID
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Issuer or Cardholder has put a restriction on the card
- Shopify_payments Response Error: No existing default PaymentMethod or Source in Stripe for this customer
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Payer Cannot Pay For This Transaction With PayPal
- Shopify_payments Response Error: The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider
- Shopify_payments Response Error: The merchant does not accept this type of credit card
- Shopify_payments Response Error: The VITAL identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider
- Shopify_payments Response Error: This transaction has been declined
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Unable to communicate with the payment system.
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Unable to process the purchase transaction.
- Shopify_payments Response Error: Violation
- Simulated from Charge Error Simulator internal tool
Sorry, something went wrong. We've already been notified of the problem, but if you need any help, you can reach us at support.stripe.com/contact. - Stripe Response Error: An error occurred during processing. Please try again
- Stripe Response Error: Call Issuer. Pick Up Card.
- Stripe Response Error: Cannot Authorize at this time (Life cycle)
- Stripe Response Error: Cannot Authorize at this time (Policy)
- Stripe Response Error: Card Not Activated
- Stripe Response Error: Closed Card
- Stripe Response Error: Do Not Honor
- Stripe Response Error: Duplicate Transaction
- Stripe Response Error: Error while communicating with one of our backends. Sorry about that! We have been notified of the problem. If you have any questions, we can help at https://support.stripe.com/.
- Stripe Response Error: Funding Instrument In The PayPal Account Was Declined By The Processor Or Bank, Or It Can't Be Used For This Payment
- Stripe Response Error: Issuer or Cardholder has put a restriction on the card
- Stripe Response Error: No existing default PaymentMethod or Source in Stripe for this customer
- Stripe Response Error: No Such Issuer
- Stripe Response Error: Payer Account Is Locked Or Closed
- Stripe Response Error: Payer Cannot Pay For This Transaction With PayPal
- Stripe Response Error: PayPal Blocking Duplicate Order IDs
- Stripe Response Error: Security Violation
- Stripe Response Error: Sorry, something went wrong. We've already been notified of the problem, but if you need any help, you can reach us at support.stripe.com/contact.
- Stripe Response Error: The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider
- Stripe Response Error: This transaction has been declined
- Stripe Response Error: Unexpected error communicating with Stripe. If this problem persists,
- Stripe Response Error: Violation
- The amount of this request was only partially approved on the given prepaid card. An additional payment is required to fulfill the balance of this transaction
- The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider
- The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider.
- The credit card has expired.
- The FDC Merchant ID or Terminal ID is incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider
- The Global Payment System identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider
- The merchant does not accept this type of credit card
- The payment failed: Additional verification required from Link consumer. Please ask your customer to log into link.com to complete the necessary steps.
The payment failed. - The payment is blocked due to a high likelihood of chargeback. You can learn more about this at https://support.stripe.com/questions/sepa-debit-chargebacks-faq and if you need assistance processing a payment please contact us via https://support.stripe.com/contact/ for further information.
- The PaymentMethod [token like pm_***] does not belong to the Customer you supplied [token like cus_***]. Please use this PaymentMethod with the Customer that it belongs to instead.
- The PaymentMethod provided (card) is not allowed for this PaymentIntent. Please attach a PaymentMethod of one of the following types: sepa_debit. Alternatively, update the allowed payment_method_types for this PaymentIntent to include "card".
- The PaymentMethod provided (sepa_debit) is not allowed for this PaymentIntent. Please attach a PaymentMethod of one of the following types: card. Alternatively, update the allowed payment_method_types for this PaymentIntent to include "sepa_debit".
- The PaymentMethod provided (us_bank_account) is not allowed for this PaymentIntent. Please attach a PaymentMethod of one of the following types: card. Alternatively, update the allowed payment_method_types for this PaymentIntent to include "us_bank_account".
- The provided mandate has a different payment method than the one provided on the PaymentIntent.
- The provided PaymentMethod was previously used with a PaymentIntent without Customer attachment, shared with a connected account without Customer attachment, or was detached from a Customer. It may not be used again. To use a PaymentMethod multiple times, you must attach it to a Customer first.
- The source that was attached to this PaymentIntent is no longer chargeable. You can try confirming again with a new source.
- The VITAL identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider
- There was an unexpected error while processing your request. Please contact us via https://support.stripe.com/contact if the error persists.
There was difficulty communicating with the payment system. - This Connect account cannot currently make live charges. The `requirements.disabled_reason` property on the account will provide information about why this account is currently disabled. If you are a customer trying to make a purchase, please contact the owner of this site. Your transaction has not been processed.
- This object cannot be accessed right now because another API request or Stripe process is currently accessing it. If you see this error intermittently, retry the request. If you see this error frequently and are making multiple concurrent requests to a single object, make your requests serially or at a lower rate.
- This PaymentIntent requires a mandate, but no existing mandate was found. Collect mandate acceptance from the customer and try again, providing acceptance data in the mandate_data parameter.
- This transaction cannot be accepted at this time.
- This transaction has been declined
- Unable to communicate with the payment system.
- Unable to process the purchase transaction.
- Unexpected error communicating with Stripe. If this problem persists,
- US state codes must be two characters to meet PayPal Seller Protection requirements.
- User authentication failed. The account or API user is inactive
- Violation
- You have exceeded the maximum number of declines on this card in the last 24 hour period. Please contact us via https://support.stripe.com/contact if you need further assistance.
- Your account cannot currently make live charges. If you are the site owner, please activate your account at https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/onboarding to remove this limitation. If you are a customer trying to make a purchase, please contact the owner of this site. Your transaction has not been processed.
- Your card could not be authorized using the postal code provided. Please update the postal code, or contact your card issuer for further details.
- Your card's security code is invalid.
Invalid payment method
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the payment method that was attempted is no longer valid. The customer will need to replace it with a new, valid payment method.
Description and next steps
The customer can no longer use their card, and further attempts to do so will not be successful. This could be because the customer closed their account, or the card may have been flagged for potential fraud, or something similar.
The customer must provide a different payment method to resolve this issue.
Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- 2001 Insufficient Funds
- Address not verified
- credit_card_not_found
- CVV should have been present
- Instruct the customer to retry the transaction using an alternative payment method from the customers PayPal wallet. The transaction did not complete with the customers selected payment method.
- No such PaymentMethod: [token like card_***]
- No such PaymentMethod: [token like pm_***]
- No such paymentmethod: [token like pm_***]; a similar object exists in live mode, but a test mode key was used to make this request.
- Street address and postal code do not match. For American Express: Card member's name, street address and postal code do not match.
- System unavailable.
- The credit card number is invalid.
- The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts. This transaction cannot be processed.
- The transaction has been declined because of an AVS mismatch. The address provided does not match billing address of cardholder.
- The value of Description/Next steps parameter has been truncated. Instruct the customer to retry the transaction using an alternative payment method from the customers PayPal wallet. The transaction did not complete with the customers selected payment method.
- The value of Description/Next steps parameter has been truncated. Transaction failed but user has alternate funding source
- The zip code you supplied failed validation.
- This payment method cannot be used on an address that uses a currency different than [currency symbol].
- This transaction has been declined.
- Transaction failed but user has alternate funding source
- User's account is closed or restricted
- Your card could not be authorized using the postal code provided. Please update the postal code, or contact your card issuer for further details.
- Your card number is incorrect.
- Your card's security code is incorrect.
- Your card's security code is invalid.
Purchase type not supported by card
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the customer's payment method does not allow purchases like this subscription. The customer will need to reach out to their bank for more details or replace the existing payment method with a new payment method.
Description and next steps
The customer's card does not allow subscription purchases, and the customer must update the payment method on file. See Charge error: Your card does not support this type of purchase for more information. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- Your card does not support this type of purchase.
- Transaction Not Allowed
Card expired
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the customer's payment method has expired and can no longer be used. The customer will need to replace it with a new, valid payment method.
Description and next steps
The payment gateway confirmed that the customer must update their payment method as their existing method has expired. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- Authorize Response Error: Credit card expiration date is invalid
- Authorize Response Error: The credit card has expired
- Authorize Response Error: The credit card has expired Error code: 8
- Authorize Response Error: User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values Error code: 7
- Authorize Response Error: User authentication failed. The account or API user is inactive Error code: 8
- Braintree Response Error: Expired Card
- Credit card expiration date is invalid
- Expired Card
- Stripe Response Error: Expired Card
- The credit card has expired
- Your card has expired
Expired payment method
Error message
Shopify has informed us that the customer's payment method has expired and can no longer be used. The customer will need to replace it with a new, valid payment method.
Description and next steps
The customer must update their payment method on file as the existing method on file expired. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- 2004 Expired Card
- Credit card expiration date is invalid
- Field: api_errors Error: credit_card_is_expired
- The credit card has expired
- Your card has expired
- Your card's expiration month is invalid
- Your card's expiration year is invalid
Unexpected error
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that something went wrong when trying to charge the customer's payment method, unrelated to the payment method itself. We will automatically try again.
Description and next steps
There was an issue when trying to process the charge, which Recharge will try again automatically. This issue is rare and could be related to a variety of issues, including temporary system or network-level issues. See Troubleshooting unexpected errors for more information. Reach out to Shopify support and contact your payment processor support for further assistance.
Customer needs to update card
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the customer's payment method can no longer be used. The customer will need to replace it with a new, valid payment method.
Description and next steps
The customer must update their payment method as the existing card is no longer valid. See Handling update payment method errors for more information. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- Authorize Response Error: PayPal Buyer Revoked Pre-Approved Payment Authorization
- Braintree Response Error: Cardholder Stopped All Billing
- Braintree Response Error: Cardholder Stopped Billing
- Braintree Response Error: PayPal Buyer Revoked Pre-Approved Payment Authorization
- Cardholder Stopped All Billing
- Cardholder Stopped Billing
- No payment token present on customer in Shopify
- Shopify_payments Response Error: PayPal Buyer Revoked Pre-Approved Payment Authorization
- Stripe Response Error: Cardholder Stopped All Billing
- Stripe Response Error: PayPal Buyer Revoked Pre-Approved Payment Authorization
Card zip code failed validation
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the customer's payment method can no longer be used. The customer will need to replace it with a new, valid payment method.
Description and next steps
A card will fail the zip code validation if the billing address has the wrong information. Try to look up the customer's address, confirm and correct the zip code if necessary, and try to process the charge again. If the charge fails again, have the customer update their billing information.
Authorize.net uses this error code for other address-related issues. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- Authorize Response Error: CVV should have been present Error code: 27
- Authorize Response Error: Street address and postal code do not match. For American Express: Card member's name, street address and postal code do not match. Error code: 27
- Authorize Response Error: Street address does not match, but 5-digit postal code matches. Error code: 27
- Authorize Response Error: Street address matches, but postal code does not match. Error code: 27
- Authorize Response Error: System unavailable. Error code: 27
- Authorize Response Error: The transaction has been declined because of an AVS mismatch. The address provided does not match billing address of cardholder. Error code: 27
- The zip code you supplied failed validation
Card number incorrect
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the customer's card number is incorrect and can no longer be used. The customer will need to replace it with a new, valid payment method.
Description and next steps
The customer's card number is incorrect. The customer must update their payment method on file. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- Authorize Response Error: CVV does not match
- Authorize Response Error: The credit card number is invalid
- Authorize Response Error: The credit card number is invalid. Error code: 6
- CVV does not match
- Shopify_payments Response Error: CVV does not match
- Shopify_payments Response Error: The credit card number is invalid
- Simulated from Charge Error Simulator internal tool
- Stripe Response Error: The credit card number is invalid
- The credit card number is invalid
- Your card number is incorrect
Buyer canceled payment method
Error message
Shopify informed us that the customer cancelled their payment method and that it can no longer be used. The customer will need to replace it with a new, valid payment method.
Description and next steps
This is a Paypal issue where customers cancel their subscriptions but not on Recharge or Shopify. The customer must update their payment method on file. See Handling payment method revoked errors for more information. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- Agreement was canceled
Payment provider is not enabled
Error message
Shopify informed us that the configured payment provider is not enabled. Review Shopify payment provider settings for the store.
Description and next steps
Your payment provider settings are not correctly configured in Shopify and need updating. Contact Shopify Support for further instructions or context. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- Payment provider is not enabled on the shop
Payment method not found
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the customer's payment method is no longer available. The customer will need to replace it with a new, valid payment method.
Description and next steps
The customer does not have a valid payment method on file. The customer must update their payment method on file. See Handling missing payment method errors for more information. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- Payment method is not ready
- Payment method was revoked
- Unable to find PaymentMethod for Address [number]
Customer not found
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that they have no customer account matching what we provided. Contact [name of payment gateway] for assistance.
Description and next steps
There is no matching customer account on file with your payment gateway. Contact your payment gateway for additional information, and to resolve the issue. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- Authorize.net specific errors:
- Customer Profile ID is invalid
- Customer Profile ID or Customer Payment Profile ID not found
- Usually means that the customer has been removed from authorize.net
- No such customer: [token like cus_***]
Rejected by BigCommerce
Error message
BigCommerce rejected our attempt at creating an order, after we charged the customer. We have automatically cancelled the charge on the customer's payment method. Get more details on how to resolve these errors.
Description and next steps
BigCommerce rejected the order for a variety of reasons, including insufficient inventory or invalid product options. Recharge automatically cancels the charge when it is rejected by BigCommerce. Review the charge error message to resolve the specific error. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- ExceedsMaxQuantity
- InsufficientQuantity Quantities of one or more products are out of stock or did not meet quantity requirements.
- InvalidProductOption The options of one or more products are invalid.
- InvalidProductOptionValue The options of one or more products are invalid. Please choose an option for [option name]
- MandatoryProductOptions The options of one or more products are invalid.
- ProductOptionsNotSupported The options of one or more products are invalid.
Variant has purchasing disabled
Authentication error
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the authentication keys provided were not valid. Review [name of payment gateway] configuration and ensure the correct authentication keys and values have been provided. Make sure not to use test/staging keys for live environment and vice versa.
Description and next steps
The payment gateway was not set up correctly in your ecommerce platform and must be reconfigured. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible activity messages:
Related decline messages
- Account is locked or inactive
- Account is restricted
- Authentication failed
- Authentication needed
- Authorize Response Error: User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values
- Authorize Response Error: User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values Error code: 7
- Braintree Authorization Error braintree informed us that the authentication keys provided were not valid.
- Expired API Key provided: [key like sk_test_************]
- No such customer: [token like cus_***]; a similar object exists in test mode, but a live mode key was used to make this request.
- Shopify_payments Response Error: No API key provided. (HINT: set your API key using "stripe.api_key = <API-KEY>"). You can generate API keys from the Stripe web interface. See https://stripe.com/api for details, or email support@stripe.com if you have any questions.
- Stripe Response Error: Expired API Key provided: [key like sk_live_************]. Platform access may have been revoked.
- Stripe Response Error: Expired API Key provided: [key like sk_test_************]
- Stripe Response Error: No API key provided. (HINT: set your API key using "stripe.api_key = <API-KEY>"). You can generate API keys from the Stripe web interface. See https://stripe.com/api for details, or email support@stripe.com if you have any questions.
- User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values
- Username/Password is incorrect
- You do not have permissions to make this API call
Insufficient credit balance
Error message
Insufficient credit balance to process order without payment method. The customer will need to go through checkout and create a new subscription.
Description and next steps
The customer does not have enough store credit to complete the purchase. The customer must go through the checkout to create a new subscription, and add a payment method to their file. Expand the dropdown menu for a full list of possible decline messages:
Related decline messages
- Specific to Recharge credits & gifting
- Giftee have used all their credits and will need to add a payment method to continue the subscription
Payment failure - invalid phone number
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the shipping phone number associated with the customer's order is invalid. Please update the customer's shipping phone number and try again.
Description and next steps
The shipping phone number is invalid. Update the shipping phone number and try again.
Payment failure - invalid discount amount
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the discount on the customer's order is invalid. The discount amount must be greater than $0 (or 0%). Please remove or change the discount code and try again.
Description and next steps
An invalid discount amount was entered. Update or remove the discount code and try again.
Payment failure - invalid zip code
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the shipping address zip code is invalid/blank. Please update the zip code on the shipping address and try again.
Description and next steps
The zip code is either invalid or blank. Update the zip code and try again.
Payment failure - invalid shipping province
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the shipping address province field is invalid/blank. Please update the shipping province on the shipping address and try again.
Description and next steps
The shipping province information entered is invalid or blank. Add a shipping province and try again.
Payment failure - invalid country
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the shipping address country is invalid. Please update the country on the shipping address and try again.
Description and next steps
The shipping country is invalid. Update the shipping country and try again.
Payment failure - invalid pickup location
Error message
[name of payment gateway] informed us that the chosen pick up location is invalid. See our documentation for more details.
Description and next steps
The pick up location is invalid. The customer must perform a new checkout order and select valid shipping location.
Payment failure - invalid discount
Error message
Error message: [name of payment gateway] informed us that the discount on the customer's order is invalid. Please remove or change the discount code and try again
Description and next steps
The discount code is invalid. Update or remove the discount code and try again.
Tax rate retrieval failure - TaxJar error
Error message
Tax rate retrieval failure - taxjar error: Tax calculation error: We encountered an error while attempting to calculate taxes using TaxJar. See our documentation for more details.
Description and next steps
Recharge could not retrieve the correct tax rates from TaxJar. Click on the error link in the charge history timeline titled Tax retrieval failure to review the error message from TaxJar. You can try to fix the error in Recharge or work with TaxJar's support team for additional support.
Contract missing error
Error message
Error: Contract not available. Shopify_payments informed us that there is no subscription contract associated with this address.
Description and next steps
A sync issue occurred between Recharge and Shopify. Try deleting the subscription and recreating it to create the sync between Recharge and Shopify. If the issue persists, contact the Recharge support team to resolve this issue.