Shopify Checkout integration
Recharge Checkout on BigCommerce
BigCommerce Checkout Integration
Migrated Shopify Checkout Integration
You can adjust the language translations and customize certain text elements related to Recharge to match your store's brand.
This guide provides information on the available translation settings.
Access the Translation settings
- In the merchant portal, click Storefront and select Copy & translations.
- The available Translation settings vary based on your ecommerce platform.
- All stores have access to Customer portal translation settings.
- Shopify Checkout Integration merchants can translate the checkout language directly from Shopify. See Shopify's Translating checkout fields guide for more details.
- Merchants using the Shopify Checkout Integration have access to Quick Actions translation settings.
Each translation field expands, where you can adjust the text customers see. Click Save once you've finished making your edits.
Available translations
Review the guides below to learn more about what translations are available for various elements hosted by Recharge:
- Affinity Customer Portal translations
- Customer Portal - Themes translations
- Recharge Checkout translations
- Quick Actions translations
- Bundles widget translations
For common questions about translations, visit the Site setting FAQs.
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